Sara Narva, EdM


Artist , Educator, Facilitator

Sara Narva has taught theater, dance and sexuality education at The Crefeld School since 2005. She serves as the Co-Coordinator of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, as well as an advisor. As a dance and theater teacher, Sara invites her students to bring their physical, emotional, personal and intellectual selves into the learning space. Under Sara’s direction, students create dynamic performances that integrate personal stories with unique compositional style. In their creative research, students grapple with issues of race, gender and being a young person in today’s world.

Sara’s signature curriculum, Power/Play: Teen Dating & Healthy Relationships, goes beyond the basics of sex ed and delves into the complex dynamics of intimacy, communication, and the impacts of gender socialization. In all of her teaching, Sara creates a learning environment where her students can think, learn and talk about the issues they face.

In addition to teaching young people at Crefeld, Sara has led workshops for staff and parents about having difficult conversations with young people, talking about consent and issues of sexism and the socialization of boys, as well as workshops on diversity, equity and inclusion. She has presented her work as an educator throughout the United States

Articles and Publications

How To Have Difficult Conversations with Your Young Person

If “Yes” means “Yes” and “No” means “No” then Why Is Consent So Complicated?

Through Our Eyes

Power/Play: Teen Dating and Healthy Relationships

Progressive Education: The Advisory Program by, Dan Cunitz, Sara Narva, George Zeleznik

In addition to her writing, Sara has presented at the National Dance Education Organization, Progressive Education Network, Coalition of Essential Schools, NAIS, and PAIS.
