Supporting teachers and parents to raise connected, communicative young people

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I believe that people are essentially good; people are born hopeful, creative and capable of flexible thinking. We desire connection with all people. Because of oppression in the world (racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, etc.), as well as the personal hurts we experience, many of us spend our lives coping with and strategizing around the devastation, the discouragement and the pain that has calcified within us.

I believe there is more hope, care and kindness possible than most of us can tell. I believe these things are worth fighting for. My educational approach is organized around helping others work towards re-building connection, care and interdependence with each other. I create environments for people to be themselves, take risks and learn together.

Since 2005 I have taught dance, theater and sexuality education at The Crefeld School in Philadelphia, PA. In addition to teaching teenagers, I offer workshops around issues of sexuality education and communication to parents and educators.

Click here to view Sara’s CV